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6 grams of plant protein.
300 ML

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A dark chocolate snack with hazelnuts for children of all ages. Decadent, rich and chocolate, think of me rather like an almond soaked in dark chocolate and served on a silver tray. I was compared to adult chocolate milk without dairy products:elegant and impressive, with less than half the sweetness you expect. I am rich in fiber and vitamin E, and I contain proteins (8 g per 300 ml) and good fats to allow you to continue My Clean Label almond milk base is as big as you imagine it; It is manufactured internally and contains at least twice the biological almond content of the average dairy alternative of your grocery store. My grown mold grown in Canada without gluten brings healthy beta-glucans for the heart at the living room and ensures that each sip has a softer finish than even the most refined of French bristles.
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300 ML
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